Response of using «Uvinskaya» natural mineral water in complex eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients with chronic gastritis and type 2 diabetes mellitus
Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Izhevsk
Contact details:
Kazarin D.D. — Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Faculty Therapy with the courses of endocrinology and hematology
Address: 281 Kommunarov St., Izhevsk, Russian Federation, 426034, tel.: +7-912-450-79-71, e-mail:
The purpose — to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic use of «Uvinskaya» natural mineral water for Helicobacter Pylori eradication in patients with chronic gastritis and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Material and methods. The study included 120 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, who were diagnosed with chronic gastritis associated with Helicobacter Pylori. The average age of patients was 61.6 ± 4.13 years, the duration of diabetes — from 2 to 15 years (on average – 9.9 ± 2.5 years), gender composition — 21 men and 99 women. The patients were divided into two groups by simple randomization. In the first group (n = 60), the first line eradication therapy was carried out according to Maastricht V recommendations, in the second group (n = 60) underwent eradication therapy combined with «Uvinskaya» mineral water. The diagnosis of «chronic gastritis» was histologically verified in all patients. The eradication control was carried out 4 weeks after therapy. Changes in the severity of gastroenterological symptoms in patients were determined by the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale questionnaire. Statistical processing was carried out with the calculation of average values and standard errors of the average. The differences were considered reliable at p ≤ 0.05.
Results. The study shows the positive effect of the «Uvinskaya» mineral water inclusion into the Helicobacter Pylori eradication treatment complex in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: the condition of patients improved, inflammatory changes in the stomach mucosa were reduced and the efficiency of eradication therapy increased.
Conclusion. The amplification of the positive therapeutic effects of drug treatment and drinking balneotherapy provides a significant increase in the efficiency of eradication, improving the clinical course and forecast of chronic gastritis associated with Helicobacter Pylori in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It enables to recommend the intake of «Uvinskaya» mineral water as part of eradication therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Key words: type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic gastritis, Helicobacter pylori, natural mineral water.
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