Research of the esophageal motility in patients with myasthenia before and after video-assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy
1Tatarstan Cancer Center, 29 Sibirsky Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029
2Kazan State Medical Academy, 36 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
3Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev — KAI, 10 K. Marx St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420111
Sigal A.M. — oncologist of the Thoracal Department of Esophagus Surgery №2, tel.: (843) 519-27-38, +7-917-292-93-93, е-mail:
Sigal E.I. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Oncology, Radiology and Palliative Medicine, Head of the Thoracal Department №2, tel.: (843) 519-27-38, +7-903-388-85-95, е-mail:
Burmistrov M.V. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Oncology, Radiology and Palliative Medicine, oncologist of the Thoracal Department №2, tel. (843) 519-27-38, e-mail:
Berdnikov A.V. — Cand. Tech. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of devices and information-measuring systems, tel. (843) 231-03-84
Myasthenia is an autoimmune disease characterized by muscular weakness and fatigue caused by disorders of the nerve and muscular ductance. In most cases myasthenia is accompanied by pathological changes in the thymus which can be revealed by computer tomography of the thoracic organs. One of the leading treatment methods of myasthenia is thymectomy. In spite of the fact that the effectiveness of thymectomy has been studied for a long time, surgical indications for operation of thymus hyperplasia accompanied by myasthenia are still arguable as well as the choice of the access during the operation. Electromyography is an effective method of myasthenia diagnostics but in cases when mostly the bulbar muscular system has suffered it is necessary to apply other methods either. One of the clinical signs of myasthenia which is the most characteristic of the bulbar form is disorders of the muscular function of the esophagus as the result of somatic musculature damage mostly in the upper part. In the research we propose to use the method of measurement of the upper esopgageal motility which allows to evaluate the changes of the motility at the different stages after thoracoscopic thymectomy has been performed.
Key words: myasthenia, thymectomy, esophageal motility.
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