Psychophysiological adaptation of paralympic athletes with lesions of the visual analyzer to the sports activities
St. Petersburg Research Institute of Physical Culture, 56 Ligovsky Pr., let. Е, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191040
Tuzlukova M.D. — Junior Researcher, postgraduate student, tel. +7-921-388-91-78, e-mail:
The article is devoted to the study of the characteristics of psychophysiological adaptation of paralympic athletes with lesions of the visual analyzer to the sports activities in comparison with the olympians in ski sports. Was studied of psychological status and heart rate variability before and after the race at the paralympic athletes with visual impairment in comparison with the olympians in the collection. It is shown that the adaptation of blind athletes to the conditions sports activities takes place with a higher tension of regulatory systems, both physiological and psychological in the background of the original low functional reserve capacity of the organism in comparison with the olympians. This is partly compensated for by the high motivation of the blind and visually impaired athletes to sports activities, thereby increasing overall sports reserve. Is proposed methodology for the training of compensatory mechanisms paralympic athletes with lesions of the visual analyzer. The study heart rate variability and psychological testing can be used as a tool for monitoring the effectiveness of the methods and individualization of training of the blind and visually impaired athletes.
Key words: sports blind, compensatory mechanisms, physiological reserves, paralympians.
- (accessed: 29.01.2014)
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