Protein-energy insufficiency in the elderly and old patients with gastric and duodenal ulcers in the postoperative period
I.I Mechnikov North-Western State Medical University, Kirochnaya St., Saint- Petersburg, Russian Federation, 191015
Baranovskiy A.Yu. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology and Dietology, tel. (812) 235-10-93, e-mail: baranovsky46@mail.ru1
Protopopova O.B. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Gastroenterology and Dietology, tel. (812) 235-10-93, e-mail:
The article summarizeя recent data on the development of protein-energy insufficiency in the postoperative period in the elderly and old patients with gastric (ulcer)and duodenal ulcers.
Key words: postoperative protein-energy insufficiency, elderly and old patients.
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