Practical application of an enzyme immunoassay in the diagnosis of diseases
Kazan State Medical Academy, 49 Butlerova St., Kazan, Russian Federation 420012
Antsilevich L.M. — Cand. Sc. Biology, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Pathology, tel. (843) 236-09-09, e-mail:
Yagudina L.A. — Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Pathology, tel. (843) 236-09-09, e-mail:
The article explains the possibilities of modern serological method of research — enzyme immunoassay — in the diagnosis of infectious, endocrine and oncological diseases. Were examined the practical examples of individual diagnosis of pathological conditions, factors affecting the result, the diagnostic value of the markers used.
Key words: enzyme immunoassay, antigen, antibody.
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