Possibilities of using the principles of quality management and standard operating procedures in a multidisciplinary hospital
Republican clinical hospital of the MH of RT, 138 Orenburgskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064
Guslyakova R.P. — Deputy Chief Doctor, tel. (843) 237-34-19, e-mail: Raisa.Guslyakova@tatar.ru
Yagudin R.Kh. — D. Med. Sc., Cand. Econ. Sc., Associate Professor, Deputy Chief Physician for Science, Development and Organizational and Methodological Work, tel. (843) 231-20-13, e-mail: rkb_nauka@rambler.ru
Rybkin L.I. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of the Organizational and Methodological Department, tel. (843) 231-20-88, e-mail: omo21_rkb@mail.ru
The article presents the possibilities and effectiveness of the work of centralized anesthesia cabinets as an example of practical implementation of the principles of the quality management system, risk management and standard operating procedures in a large multidisciplinary medical organization
Key words: quality management, risk management, standard operating procedures, centralized anesthesia cabinet.
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