Possibilities of using a heated oxygen-helium mixture in patients during the long-COVID period
Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A.I. Burnazyan, Moscow
Contact details:
Orlova O.S. — postgraduate student of the Therapy Department
Address: 23 Marshal Novikov St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 123098, tel.: +7-926-461-10-19, e-mail: orlova.os@mail.ru
The impact of COVID-19 on people’s lives is still unparalleled, and its long-term symptoms can have a further devastating effect. According to a number of studies, it has been concluded that there is such a condition as post-COVID syndrome, which is presented as a number of symptoms after the completion of the acute phase of the disease. In view of this, the problem of treating respiratory insufficiency is quite urgent, but has not yet been solved. This requires an integrated approach and the development of the latest methods and technologies that would be able to expand the range of modern therapy. One of such methods today is an oxygen-helium mixture (OHM).
The purpose — to study the effect of OHM inhalations in patients in the long-COVID period.
Material and methods. The study involved 40 people in the early post-COVID period with symptoms of long-COVID.
Results. According to our own research and a number of studies, the heated oxygen-helium mixture has a positive effect on gas exchange in the infiltration zone, improving both ventilation and diffusion. This article analyzes the results of the use of oxygen-helium mixture in the treatment of acute COVID and post-COVID syndrome.
Conclusion. The authors draw conclusions about the effectiveness of this method for treating patients in the long-COVID period.
Key words: hypoxia, COVID-19, post-COVID syndrome, oxygen-helium mixture, long-COVID.
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