Possibilities for predicting the development of metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic virus hepatitis C in the absence of antiviral therapy
Samara State Medical University, Samara
Novikova A.F. ― Assistant of the Department of Infection Diseases with a course of epidemiology
Address: 89 Chapaevskaya Str., Samara, Russian Federation, 443099, tel. +7-927-001-06-42, e-mail: ANovikova89@mail.ru
The objective is to develop a method for predicting the development of metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C in 5-10 years without antiviral therapy based on clinical and laboratory data.
Material and methods. For 10 years, 71 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C (HCV) without antiviral therapy were under observation. A complex of laboratory and instrumental examination methods was carried out, the obtained data were subjected to linear discriminant analysis.
Results. On the basis of the discriminant analysis of the data of complex clinical, biochemical, immunological and ultrasound surveys of HCV patients, a discriminant function was developed, on the value of which, with the help of a nomogram, we determined the probability of developing a metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic hepatitis C after 5-10 years in the absence of antiviral therapy.
Conclusion. The proposed method should be used in clinical practice to predict the development of the metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic viral hepatitis C in the absence of antiviral therapy.
Key words: chronic viral hepatitis C, metabolic syndrome, antiviral therapy.
(For citation: Novikova A.F., Konstantinov D.Yu., Nedugov G.V., Popova L.L., Suzdaltsev A.A., Golik O.O. Possibilities for predicting the development of metabolic syndrome in patients with chronic virus hepatitis C in the absence of antiviral therapy. Practical medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, №8, P. 40-43)
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