Pathogenetic mechanisms of reparative osteogenesis after combined trauma
Republic Clinical Hospital of the MH of RT, 138 Orenburskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064
Gruber N.M. ― Cand. Biol. Sc., Leading Researcher, tel. (843) 237-31-84, e-mail:
Valeev E.K. ― D. Med. Sc., Chief Researcher, tel. (843) 237-31-84, e-mail:
Shulman A.A. ― Senior Researcher, tel. (843) 237-31-84, e-mail:
Yafarova G.G. ― Cand. Biol. Sc., Leading Researcher, tel. (843) 237-35-23, e-mail:
The article presents survey results of 28 patients with craniocerebral and spinal trauma combined with lower limbs’ fractures. The relationship between evidence of metabolic disorders of the organism and the phase of traumatic disease has been clarified, which might be used for purposeful correcting therapy designation.
Key words: concomitant injury of musculoskeletal system, metabolic imbalance.
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