Organization of monitoring and control of extremely dangerous infectious diseases of imported and local origin on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan
Administration of Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service in the Republic of Tatarstan, 30 B. Krasnaya St., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420111
Patyashina M.A. — Cand. Med. Sc., Head of Administration of Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service in the Republic of Tatarstan, tel. (843) 238-98-54, е-mail:
Avdonina L.G. — Deputy Head of Administration of Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service in the Republic of Tatarstan, tel. (843) 238-53-58, е-mail:
Borisova L.O. — Head of Department of sanitary protection of the territory of Administration of Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service in the Republic of Tatarstan, tel. (843) 238-53-684, е-mail:
In the article by the example of cholera and malaria is shown the role of preventive trend with the use of laboratory monitoring when performing any measures of epidemiological surveillance of especially dangerous infectious diseases of imported and local origin on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan in the period of a massive event with participants from other countries. The purpose of the article is to prove the priority of preventive measures in the implementation of the epidemiological surveillance of especially dangerous diseases of the present day. In the article are used materials of institutions of Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service пin the Republic of Tatarstan, data of statistical reports and forms, on the basis of which the analysis of effectiveness of the monitoring of especially dangerous infectious diseasesof the Republic of Tatarstan o will be done.
Key words: sanitary and epidemiological safety, internal and external threats, risk of imported infection, local transmission, surveillance studies.
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