Optimizing microbiological studies of intraocular material in the treatment of endophthalmitis
1Cheboksary branch of S. Fydorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institute of Health Ministry of Russia, Cheboksary
2Saint-Petersburg branch of S. Fydorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institute of Health Ministry of Russia, Saint-Petersburg
Contact details:
Frolychev I.A. ― researcher
Address: 10 Traktorostroiteley Ave., Cheboksary, Russian Federation, 428028, e-mail: ivan-f@yandex.ru
The authors unified the algorithm of taking biological material from anterior chamber and vitreous, its transportation and bacteriological investigation in endophthalmitis treatment. This method has been put into clinical work of Cheboksary branch of S. Fydorov Eye Microsurgery during the recent 3 and a half years.
The research objective is to clinically assess the efficacy of unified algorithm of taking and bacteriological investigation of biological material necessary for endophthalmitis treatment. From April 2016 till May 2019, 21 patients (21 eyes) with postoperative endophthalmitis were operated at Cheboksary branch of S. Fydorov Eye Microsurgery. This complication was diagnosed in patients of this clinic (14 patients, 66.7%) and clinics of neighboring regions (7 patients, 33.3%). This complication appeared in 15 (71.4%) patients after cataract phacoemulsification, in 5 patients (23.8%) after vitreoretinal surgeries, in 1 (4.8%) patient after angiogenesis inhibitor intravitreal injection.
The bacteriological analysis of the anterior chamber biological material showed microorganisms in 38.1% of cases and of the vitreal cavity ― in 66.7% of cases. Gram-positive bacteria endophthalmitis was confirmed in 52.4%, gram-negative in 14.3, in 33.3% of cases the etiology was not identified. The clinical data indicate efficacy of the unified method of material taking for bacteriological investigation of intraocular material in endophthalmitis treatment.
Key words: postoperative endophthalmitis, material taking, bacteriological investigation.
(For citation: Frolychev I.A., Pozdeyeva N.A., Okolov I.N. Optimizing microbiological studies of intraocular material in the treatment of endophthalmitis. Practical medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, № 4, P. 182-185)
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