New criteria of neurosyphilis diagnostics by structures of spinal liquid
1Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute named after M.F. Vladimirsky, 61/2 Shchepkin St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 129110
2Moscow Regional Clinical Dermatovenereologic Clinic, 61/2 Shchepkin St., building 8, Moscow, Russian Federation, 129110
Shatokhina S.N. — D. Med. Sc., Head of Clinical-Diagnostic Laboratory, tel. (495) 681-15-85, e-mail:
Vazhbin L.B. — Chief Doctor, tel. (495) 631-42-37, e-mail:
Kuznetsova N.A. — Head of Clinical-Diagnostic Laboratory, tel. +7-903-268-82-45, e-mail:
The article presents results of serological and general clinic research of spinal liquid of 85 patients, 25 of which had early asymptomatic neurosyphilis, and 34 had late meningovascular neurosyphilis. In 26 patients the diagnosis of neurosyphilis was doubtful by laboratory and clinical data. When using the new diagnostic technology — «Litos-system» – objective criteria were obtained for diagnosing the early and late forms of the disease, as well as for estimation of therapy efficiency.
Key words: neurosyphilis, spinal liquid, «Litos-system» diagnostic technology
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