Neuroimaging monitoring of acute transient hydrocephalus of traumatic genesis
Bukhara branch of the Republican Scientific Center of Emergency Medical Care, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan
Contact details:
Muminov M.D. — PhD (medicine), neurosurgeon
Address: 159 Nakshbandi St., 200100 Bukhara, tel.: +998-93-688-76-46, e-mail:
The paper shows the possibility of non-invasive computed tomographic monitoring (CT) of intracranial pressure (ICP) as a classifier of intracranial hypertension (ICH). To determine the prevalence of parenchymal or hydrocephalic hypertension syndrome, we calculated the correlation coefficient of the optic nerve width (dON) and the size of the 3rd ventricle, using their CT imaging.
312 patients with isolated crania-cerebral injury (CCI) were examined. In 170 (54.5%) cases, hypertension syndrome was detected without signs of acute hydrocephalus. In 142 (45.5%) patients, the correlation of the width of the dON and the size of the 3rd ventricle revealed mainly hydrocephalic syndrome against the background of the development of acute transient hydrocephalus (ATHC).
CT monitoring and the determination of the correlation between the width of the retroorbital part of the optic nerve and the size of the 3rd ventricle allowed determining the development of an acute form of transient hydrocephalus, which in turn led to the further implementation of invasive methods for measuring, monitoring and correcting the traumatic ICH.
Key words: optic nerve, 3rd ventricle, computed tomography, traumatic brain injury, intracranial hypertension, hydrocephalus syndrome.
(For citation: Muminov M.D. Neuroimaging monitoring of acute transient hydrocephalus of traumatic genesis. Practical medicine. 2022. Vol. , № , P.)