Modern etiological characteristics of infective endocarditis
Kirov Military Medical Academy, St.Petersburg
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
All-Russian association of laboratories «City-Lab», St.Petersburg
Kargaltseva Natalia Mikhaylovna
Candidate of Medical Science, Professor at the Department of medical biochemistry and laboratory diagnostics.
9 Barmaleeva Str., apt.7, Saint Petersburg 197136
tel. (812) 233-76-14, e-mail:
Was investigated the blood of 387 patients with infective endocarditis (280) and secondary infective endocarditis (107). Pathogens were detected in 78,0% of cases by microscopy of peripheral blood and blood cultures were plated in 41,8% of cases. It was specified the etiological significance of Gram-positive rods, fungi and polymicrobial infections circulating in the blood by the results of microscopy and culture of blood.
Key words: infective endocarditis, microscopy of blood, blood cultures.
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