Modern concepts of the role of endothelial dysfunction markers in the development of pathology in pregnant women with acute respiratory illness
Samara State Medical University, 89 Chapaevskaya St., Samara, Russian Federation, 443099
Kalimatova D.M. — graduate student of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of IPE, tel. +7-926-922-77-07, e-mail:
Shatunova E.P. — D. Med. Sc., Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of IPE, tel. +7-927-692-52-99, е-mail:
This article provides information on the role of factors of endothelial dysfunction in developing of gestation disorders in pregnant women with acute respiratory viral infections. It is shown that one of the key places in the development of pregnancy complications, particularly preeclampsia, researchers assign to the damage of endothelium. The endothelial dysfunction is triggered by hypoxia, which develops in the tissues of the uteroplacental system. This article sets out the results of studies aimed at understanding the mediators of endothelial dysfunction, which are produced if the integrity of the endothelium is damaged, what is quite informative for determining the severity and outcome of preeclampsia. The importance of studying the role of vascular endothelial factors in the pathogenesis of complications of pregnancy, which can occur or be a consequence of the undergone ARVI, including flue, is reaffirmed. Level of these markers correlates with the processes of the placenta angiogenesis and trophoblast functional activity, and allows predicting the development of pathology in various terms of pregnancy. This makes possible to carry out the timely initiation of preventive measures and, if necessary, to appoint a pathogenetically substantiated therapy for metabolic and hemodynamic disorders in case of acute respiratory viral infections in pregnant women.
Key words: acute respiratory diseases, flue, endothelial dysfunction, pregnancy, gestational toxicosis.
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