Modern antiseptic drugs in prevention of nosocomial infections
Non-profit organization «Scientific-research institute for Biocides and Nanobiotechnologies», 14 Nezhinskaya Str., building 7/8, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119517
Ivanova E.B. ― Cand. Med. Sc., Director, tel.: (495) 449-20-57, 8-800-100-39-51, e-mail:
The importance of nosocomial infections is hard to overestimate, as they not only result in great economical costs in healthcare, but also can nullify the efforts made for the treatment and care of the patients.
One of the main sources of nosocomial infections is the personnel’s hands, their improper disinfection with antiseptics, inobservance of the rules of the hospital and personal hygiene, as well as the poor quality of antiseptic drugs with a limited range of antimicrobial action.
Russian innovative drugs of «VELT» series include skin antiseptics both on spirit base and without spirit. The latter should be preferred due to the absence of negative effect on skin and the improved consumer properties; at the same time they show a high efficiency of antimicrobial and veridical action.
Key words: microorganisms, infections, medical aid, decontamination of hands, skin preparation; hygiene, antiseptic drugs, disinfecting drugs, antimicrobial action, disinfecting tissues, injection site, surgeon’s hands, quality.