Method of making a discission hole in a posterior capsule in case of a secondary cataract in artiphakic eyes of children
Yu.A. Tereschenko1, N.V. Maschenko1, E.L. Sorokin1,2
1The Khabarovsk Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 211 Tikhookeanskaya Str., Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, 680033
2Far Eastern State Medical University, 35 Muraviev-Amurskiy Str., Khabarovsk, Russian Federation, 680000
Tereschenko Yu.A. ― ophthalmologist of the Department of Cataract Surgery, tel. (4212) 72-27-92, e-mail:
Maschenko N.V. ― ophthalmologist of the Department of Vitreoretinal Surgery, tel. (4212) 22-40-90, e-mail:
Sorokin E.L. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor, Deputy Director for Science, Head of the Ophthalmology Department, tel. (4212) 22-51-21, e-mail:
An assesment of safety and effectiveness of the developed method of normal tonus and stable volume of the anterior chamber of an eyeball at the time of transciliary 25Ga capsulovitrectomy of a secondary cataract in the artiphakic eyes of children, is made. 12 eyes of children under the age of 8 months up to 3 years with posterior capsular fibrosis after surgery of congenital cataract with implantation of posterior chamber behind the IOL have been examined. The controlled intraoperative tonus of an eyeball has been provided by installation of an irrigation system via a cannula into the anterior chamber. Transciliary 25Ga capsulovitrectomy with a partial anterior vitrectomy has been carried out. In all eyes a circular hole of necessary diameter in a posterior fibrosis capsule of a lens behind IOL has been formed. During operation in all eyes the normal tonus and constant volume of an anterior eye chamber remained that allowed to avoid intraoperative complications. Within a year all eyes were quiet, IOL position was correct, a discission hole in a posterior capsule that has been formed in an optical zone remained strong. Optical mediums were transparent. Maintenance of the intraoperative tonus of an eye by means of irrigational system with giving of the balanced solution in anterior chamber of an operated eye when performing transciliary two-port 25Ga capsulovitrectomy with excision of the dimmed anterior hyaloid membrane on the artiphakic eyes in children proved to be effective.
Key words: congenital cataract, surgery of secondary cataract, intraoperative tone of an eyeball, intraoperative complications.
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