Informativity of disorder severity scale for newborns
Bashkir State Medical University
Gizatullin Rais Khamzaevich
Candidate of Medical Science, assistant professor of anesthesiology and resuscitation
39 Revolyutsionnaya Str., apt.19, Ufa 450015
tel. 7-917-411-85-82, е-mail:
The study included 315 children who were treated in the neonatal intensive care unit. In the dynamics of the treatment was assessed the state severity using scales ICC, PRISM, OSF, PELOD. All of the scales were very informative in the first twenty-four hours. The highest information coefficient of 7,5 had PELOD, PRISM — 7,0; ICC — 2,5; OSF — 2. Using disorder severity scales allows objectifying the dynamics of a disease in specialized and emergency departments.
Key words: critical conditions, newborns, disorder severity scale.
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