Hyperuricemia and disturbances of lipid spectrum in children and adolescents of Arkhangelsk city
Northern State Medical University, 51 Troitsky Avenue, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation, 163000
Malyavskaya S.I. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatrics, tel. (8182) 21-12-52, e-mail: Malyavskaya@yandex.ru
Lebedev A.V. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology, tel. (8182) 21-12-52, e-mail: andruleb@yandex.ru
Cross-sectional investigation of a representative sample of 569 boys aged from 7 to 17 years in Arkhangelsk has revealed the statistical relationship between hyperuricemia and lipid spectrum of blood – the classical atherogenic factor, one of the precursors of atherosclerotic changes, which attests to the importance of hyperuricemia as a biochemical marker of atherogenic phenotype of the lipid spectrum of blood, and points to the contingency and interdependence of purine and lipid metabolism in children and adolescents. The study shows the significance of hyperuricemia as a marker of early changes in lipid metabolism, defined already in the presence of borderline dyslipidemia and, respectively, giving the opportunity to influence the emerging pathological conditions early in their development.
Key words: hyperuricemia, distortions of lipid spectrum of blood, children, adolescents
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