History of surgical treatment of achalasia cardia: from Heller’s operation to peroral endoscopic myotomy (literature review)
1Tatarstan Cancer Center, 29 Sibirskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420029
2Republican Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, 138 Orenburgskiy Trakt, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420064
3Kazan State Medical Academy — Branch Campus of the RMACPE MOH Russia, 36 Butlerov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
Bakirov M.R. ― oncologist of the 2nd Oncology Department, e-mail: maratbakirov@inbox.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7838-8138
Burmistrov M.V. ― D. Sc. (medicine), Professor of the Department of Oncology, Radiology and Palliative Medicine, Deputy Chief Physician for science, development and innovative technologies, e-mail: burma71@mail.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5334-6481
Sharapov T.L. ― PhD (medicine), Head of the 2nd Oncology Department, tel. (843) 202-27-38, e-mail: toman86@mail.ru, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8093-473X
Sigal E.I. ― D. Sc. (medicine), Professor of the Department of Oncology, Radiology and Palliative Medicine, Chief Surgeon, tel. (843) 202-27-38, e-mail: sigal_e@mail.ru
Objective ― to trace the evolution of the surgical and endoscopic methods of achalasia cardia treatment by the data of Russian and foreign literature.
Material and methods. The most popular methods of surgical treatment of patients with cardiac achalasia were analyzed.
Conclusion. Cardiomyotomy now, as was predicted by Heller exactly a century ago, is a laparoscopic surgical operation with partial fundoplication. Longer follow-up of patients, as well as objective evaluation of new endoscopy methods, will play a great role in the treatment of patients with achalasia.
Key words: achalasia cardia, Heller cardiomyotomy, endoscopic surgery, fundoplication, peroral endoscopic myotomy.
(For citation: Bakirov M.R., Burmistrov M.V., Sharapov T.L., Sigal E.I. History of surgical treatment of achalasia cardia: from Heller’s operation to peroral endoscopic myotomy (literature review). Practical Medicine. 2018)
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