Features of ultrasound semiotics at tuberculosis of the respiratory system
Kazan State Medical Academy, 36 Butlerov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012
Valiev R.Sh. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Tuberculosis and Pulmonology, tel. +7-987-296-10-60, e-mail: ravil.valiev@tatar.ru
Tukhbatullin M.G. ― D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics, tel. +7-900-326-20-03, e-mail: Munir.Tuhbatullin@tatar.ru
Shamshurova E.S. ― postgraduate student of the Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics, tel. +7-917-873-92-03, e-mail: shk20082@rambler.ru
The ultrasound imaging of the chest cavity allowed to study semiotics in 120 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Of these, 85 patients with infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis (IPT) (70.8%), and 35 with nidal pulmonary tuberculosis (NPT) (29.2%), aged between 20 and 70 years (mean age ― 35.5 years). All the patients had a zone of abnormalities in the airy lung tissue of different shapes, location and echogenicity. The ultrasound examination of patients with IPL identified rounded infiltrate in 33 patients (27.5%), and cloud-like infiltrate in 48 patients (11.4%). Nidal changes were detected in 29 patients (24.2%). In 6 patients (17.1%) the lesions, which were determined on plain film, were not clearly visualized with ultrasound examination. After three weeks of specific treatment, a positive ultrasonic dynamics was detected in 60 patients (50%).
Key words: infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, nidal pulmonary tuberculosis, ultrasound diagnosis of thoracic cavity organs, airless areas of lung tissue, semiotics.
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