Features of surgical treatment of patients with malunion of tibial fractures
1Chief Military Clnical hospital named after N. N. Burdenko, Moscow
2Domodedovo Central City Hospital, Domodedovo
Contact details:
Nelin Nikolay Ivanovich — MD, Head of the Scientific-research and Testing Center
Address: 3 Gospitalnaya St., Moscow, Russian Federation, 105094, tel.: +7-903-295-84-48, e-mail: nelinnik63@mail.ru,
The article deals with the issues of optimizing the correction of post-traumatic deformities of the tibia.
The purpose of the work was to improve the results of treatment of patients with malunion of tibial fractures based on the development of criteria for choosing the optimal level of osteotomy and improving the principles of correction. Between 1997 and 2021, 82 patients were operated. In all cases, the Ilizarov method was used.
The result of the work was the definition of the concept of post-traumatic pathological focus. Changes occurring in the fracture zone require corrective operations at a different level. This correction option seems to be safe and can be recommended for widespread use. Outside the apex of the deformity, osteotomy was performed in 67 patients; at the apex of the deformity, in 15 patients. In all cases, it was possible to avoid the problems associated with impaired osteogenesis.
Key words: posttraumatic deformity, correctional osteotomy, Ilizarov method.
(For citation: Nelin N.I., Artemyev A.A., Solovyev Yu.S. Features of surgical treatment of patients with malunion of tibial fractures. Practical medicine. 2022. Vol. , № , P.)