Ex-vivo modeling of intraoperative prevention of corneal astigmatism after femtosecond laser-assisted keratoplasty on Femto Visum device
1S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 59а Beskudnikovsky Blvd, Moscow, Russian Federation, 127486
2Optosystems Ltd., 2 Promyshlennaya Str., Moscow, Troitsk, Russian Federation, 142191
3Scientific-experimental production «Eye microsurgery» Ltd, 59а Beskudnikovsky Blvd, Moscow, Russian Federation, 127486
Izmaylova S.B. ― D. Sc. (medicine), Head of the Division of Transplantation and Opto-Restorative Surgery of anterior segment of an eyeball, tel. (499) 488-84-69, е-mail: lana-dok@mail.ru
Zavyalov A.S. ― Chief of the Femtosecond Medical Laser Group, tel. (499) 488-84-69, e-mail: zavyalov@optosystems.ru
Zimina M.V. ― postgraduate student of the Department of Transplantation and Opto-Reconstructive Surgery of anterior segment of the eyeball, е-mail: marina_zimina@hotmail.com
Novikov S.V. ― Deputy Director General on Production, tel. (499) 488-85-75, e-mail: snovikov@yandex.ru
Shatskih A.V. ― PhD (medicine), Head of the Laboratory of Eye Pathology and Histology, Pathologoanatomist, e-mail: avsatik@yandex.ru
Tonaeva Kh.D. ― PhD (medicine), Head of the Eye Tissue Bank, tel. (499) 906-50-01, e-mail: onxd15@gmail.com
Shormaz I.N. ― Ophthalmologist, tel. (499) 906-50-01, e-mail: irishor@yandex.ru
Komarova O.Yu. ― postgraduate student of the Department of Transplantation and Opto-Reconstructive Surgery of anterior segment of the eyeball, е-mail: ol.komarova91@gmail.com
The article presents the results of experimental ex-vivo modeling of intraoperative prevention of corneal astigmatism during femtosecond laser-assisted penetrating keratoplasty (PK) and deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) with simultaneous implantation of 360 degree intrastromal ring (ISR) by femtosecond laser Femto Visum produced in Russia. The surgeries were performed in 8 cadaver eyes. In 4 eyes, PK and in 4 eyes – DALK was performed, both with implantation of ISR. According to our method, a lamellar pocket in the peripheral cornea of the recipient, simultaneously with femtosecond laser-assisted (Femto Visum, Optosystems) “mushroom” PK and DALK, and the ISR was implanted in this pocket. Anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) was performed pre- and postoperatively. Postoperative histological examination was also performed to determine the quality of corneal incisions made by femtosecond laser. According to the AS-OCT of experimental eyes, the ISR was in the right position in all cases. The formation of lamellar pocket in the peripheral part of the recipient cornea allows ISR to take the correct position without suture fixation. However, the research requires further in vivo studies to evaluate its safety and efficiency.
Key words: penetrating keratoplasty, deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty, femtosecond laser, intrastromal ring
(For citation: Izmaylova S.B., Zavyalov A.S., Zimina M.V., Novikov S.V. Shatskih A.V., Tonaeva Kh.D. Ex-vivo modeling of intraoperative prevention of corneal astigmatism after femtosecond laser-assisted keratoplasty on Femto Visum device. Practical Medicine. 2018)
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