Effectiveness of citicoline in the complex treatment of partial optic nerve atrophy of various origins
The Orenburg branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, 17 Salmyshskaya Str., Orenburg, Russian Federation, 460047
Kim S.M. ― Head of the Department of Conservative Therapy, tel. (3532) 36-83-04, e-mail: svetlanakim74@mail.ru
Korshunova N.V. ― ophthalmologist of the Department of Conservative Therapy, tel. (3532) 36-83-04, e-mail: nauka@ofmntk.ru
Galkina E.M. ― physician of the Department of Conservative Therapy, tel. (3532) 36-34-13, e-mail: ofmntkmg@esoo.ru
Ponomareva I.V. ― Head of the Diagnostic Department, tel. (3532) 65-02-46, e-mail: ofmntkmg@esoo.ru
The purpose of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of an integrated approach in the treatment of partial optic nerve atrophy (PONA) of various origins using intravenous injections of Citicoline (Ceraxon) and Actovegin. We analyzed hospital records of 42 patients (73 eyes) aged 43-80 years. All patients were divided into two groups: main group ― 19 patients (34 eyes) and control group ― 23 (39 eyes). Subgroups by PONA etiology were allocated in each group. Patients of the main group received complex treatment in the form of parabulbar, underconjunctival, intramuscular injections with intravenous injections of Citicoline and Actovegin. Patients of the control group received the same treatment but without intravenous injections of Citicoline and Actovegin. The proposed integrated medical treatment with Citicoline and Actovegin allowed to increase and stabilize visual functions in 82% of patients with partial optic nerve atrophy.
Key words: Citicoline, Actovegin, partial optic nerve atrophy.
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