Dynamics of ocular symptoms of thyrotoxicosis in patients with endocrinous ophthalmopathy in the course of thyroid disease treatment
1Institution for Advanced Training of Federal Medico-biologic Agency of Russia, 91 Volokolamskoye shosse, Moscow, Russian Federation, 125371
2Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I.P. Pavlov, 9 Vysokovoltnaya St., Ryazan, Russian Federation, 390024
3Clinical Hospital named after N.A. Semashko, 3 Semashko St., Ryazan, Russian Federation, 390005
Likhvantseva V.G. — DM, Professor, Professor of the Department of Ocular Diseases, tel. +7-916-659-41-56, e-mail: likhvantseva-4@yandex.ru
Rudenko E.A. — external doctorate student of Ocular and ORL Diseases, tel. +7-920-991-68-82, e-mail: rudenko.evgenija@ya.ru
Korostelyova E.V. — ophthalmologist of the 2nd Ophthalmological Department, tel. +7-920-955-01-22, e-mail: ekaterina—@list.ru
Budanova S.V. — ophthalmologist of the 4th Ophthalmological Department, tel. +7-961-012-67-25, e-mail: lana.budanova.lux@gmail.com
The article represents the dynamics of thyrotoxicosis ocular symptoms while carrying out various methods of thyroid disease treatment (drug therapy, operative therapy, radioiodine therapy). During 1 year 139 patients (278 orbital cavities) were observed, with endocrinous ophthalmopathy having been developed in connection with diffuse toxic goiter and different degrees of thyroid disfunction compensation (medicamental euthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, iatrogenic medicamental hypothyreosis). The monitoring showed the reliable reduction of the detected frequency of 7 out of 11 most frequent thyrotoxicosis ocular symptoms in the background of hormonal state normalization. The authors pay attention to the high frequency of Mobius’s symptom revelation at the initial and terminal stages (81.7 and 63.8% accordingly; р<0.001), high rudimentary frequency of Zenger’s symptom (26.9%), and Jellinek’s symptom (from 15.1 to 10.8%; р<0.001) and reduction of Dalrymple’s symptom (from 61.9 to 17.1%; р<0.001). The stated fact reveals the highly associative link of Mobius’s symptom with the symptom complex of EOP itself and the possibility of its application at the early clinical diagnostic stage in patients with thyrotoxicosis.
Key words: endocrinous ophthalmopathy, symptom complex of endocrinous ophthalmopathy, ocular symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, Graves’ disease, thyroid treatment influence.
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