Dynamics of neurological disorders in neuro-oncological patients in the postoperative period
1Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, 51 Parkentskaya St., Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 700007
2Republican Scientific Center of Neurosurgery, 40 Khumoyun St, Mirzo-Ulugbek area, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, индекс
Gafurov Sh.B. — Cand. Med. Sc., Senior Researcher of the Department of Neuro-Rehabilitation, tel. +99890 962 98 89
Kholikov N.Kh. — Cand. Med. Sc., resident doctor of the Department of Neuro-Rehabilitation, tel. +99890 808 05 98, e-mail: shuhrat.1972@list.ru
The Republican Scientific Center of Neurosurgery has carried out the dynamic observation of 104 patients with brain tumors and epileptic attacks. The article represents key issues of clinical manifestations, the nature of attacks, and the features of changes in the cognitive function in patients with this disease. The results of surgical treatment in the immediate and late postoperative periods were analyzed. The dynamic study showed that the restoration of physical and/or cognitive function, as well as decrease in the frequency of attacks and mild asthma, was achieved in the majority of patients.
Key words: cerebrum, brain tumor, convulsive syndrome, cognitive functions, postoperative period.
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