Determination of vancomycin concentration in the vitreous cavity to optimize the treatment of acute bacterial postoperative endophthalmitis
1Ekaterinburg branch of the Interbranch scientific and technical complex «Eye Microsurgery», 4a Acad. Bardin St., Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620149
2Ural Federal University named after the first Russian President B.N. Yeltsin, 19 Mira St., Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 620002
Kazaykin V.N. ― D. Med. Sc., Head of the Vitreoretinal Department, tel. +7-912-288-53-37, e-mail:
Ponomarev V.O. ― ophthalmologist of the Vitreoretinal Surgery Department, tel. +7-922-106-00-32, e-mail:
Vokhmintsev A.S. ― Cand. Phys. and Math. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of physical methods and quality control instruments, tel. +7-902-268-03-56, e-mail:
Vaynshteyn I.A. ― D. Phys. and Math. Sc., Professor of the Department of physical methods and quality control instruments, tel. (343) 375-93-74, e-mail:
This work offers the original rapid method for determining the concentration of Vancomycin in the vitreous cavity in the range of 1-1000 mcg/ml by spectrophotometry in the ultraviolet region and the ways to optimize the use of Vancomycin in the treatment of acute bacterial postoperative endophthalmitis. The study was conducted with the use of a spectrophotometer UV — 2450PC (Shimadzu, Japan). The first phase of the study was to determine the optimal wavelength and to build a linear calibration curve to determine the unknown concentrations of Vancomycin. The second phase consisted of the evaluation of unknown Vancomycin concentrations in the test samples by the developed calibration method dependencies «added-found» with a mathematical testing of input data. The study results indicate high accuracy of the method. Vancomycin concentration of 30 to 1000 pg/ml is determined at a wavelength of 280±10 nm and 1 to 125 mg/ml at a wavelength of 230±10 nm. For an effective treatment of endophthalmitis the dose of Vancomycin (or another antibiotic) should depend on the amount of vitreous cavity.
Key words: spectrophotometry, Vancomycin, endophthalmitis.