Coronary artery embolism in a patient with mechanical heart valve and normal coronary arteries (clinical case)
1Republic Clinical Hospital named after Sh.Sh. Ependiev, Grozny
2Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan
Contact details:
Sharafeev A.Z. ― D. Sc. (medicine), Head of the Department of Cardiology, Endovascular and Cardiovascular Surgery
Address: 5 Khvoynaya Str., Grozny, Chechen Republic, 364047, tel. +7-927-410-93-89, e-mail:
Acute myocardium infarction (AMI) in patients without atherosclerotic lesions of coronary arteries (CA) and hemodynamically significant stenoses is a rather frequent condition. According to various authors, their frequency is from 4 to 14%. The article presents a clinical case of endovascular treatment of acute coronary syndrome in a patient with normal coronary arteries and mechanical heart valve. In this case percutaneous mechanical thrombaspiration from anterior descending artery by coronary thrombaspiration system without subsequent stent implantation demonstrated satisfactory outcome. ST segment elevation decreased more than by 50%, clinical manifestations of the disease, i.e. pain in pre-cardial zone, reduced. In some cases, thrombaspiration in the treatment of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction could be very effective in cases of nonatherosclerotic coronary arteries. Additional randomized trials are needed for validation of conclusions.
Key words: acute myocardial infarction, intact coronary arteries, thrombaspiration.
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