Clinical-morphological analysis of cases of preventive eye enucleation with chronic posttraumatic recurrent uveitis, threatening with the development of sympathetic ophthalmia
All-Russia Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre of the Russian Health Ministry, 67/1 Zorge Str., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450075
Galimova L.F, Cand. Med. Sc., surgeon-ophthalmologist, tel. (437) 293-42-14, e-mail:
Solovieva E.P, Cand. Med. Sc., pathologist of the Department of Morphology, tel. (437) 293-42-35, e-mail:
Kurchatova N.N, Cand. Med. Sc., Head of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, tel. (437) 293-42-35
22 clinical cases were studied of eyeball enucleation in patients with post-traumatic uveitis, which we diagnosed as sympathetic inflammation. Histopathological and immunological studies were carried out. 8 patients (36.4%) were diagnosed to have sympathetic inflammation. At risk of sympathetic ophthalmia were patients, who had undergone operations and repeated vitreoretinal interventions on the injured eyes, as well as patients with autoimmune disorders. The absence of cell and humoral sensibilization to S-antigen of the retina was explained by the local and systemic corticosteroid therapy for prevention of uveitis relapses. According to our research, the timely preventive enucleation of eyes with post-traumatic relapsing uveitis has interrupted the bilateral autoimmune process, which was limited to the injured eye.
Key words: sympathetic ophthalmia, sympathetic irritation, morphological investigation of the injured eye, preventive enucleation.
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