Characteristics of using antibacterial drugs in children: results of pharmacoepidemiological analysis
Kazan State Medical University
Zakirova Alphiya Midkhatovna
Candidate of Medical Science, assistant professor at the Department of propaedeutics of childhood diseases and faculty pediatrics with the course of childhood diseases of the medical faculty
49 Butlerova Str., Kazan 420012
tel. 8-927-033-93-41, е-mail:
The analysis of the tactics for prescribing antibiotics for uncomplicated forms of acute respiratory infections and acute bronchitis in children was made. Is stressed the importance of differentiated approach to the choice of drug treatment of children in out-patient network. Such an approach can improve the quality of patients’ treatment, reduce adverse drug reactions and total charges in the course of rational use of the resources needed for adequate medical help for children.
Key words: children, acute respiratory infections, antibiotic treatment.
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