Cardiologic heritage of s.s. Zimnitskiy (to the 140th anniversary of s.s. Zimnitskiy)
Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov St., Kazan, Russian Federation 420012
Oslopov V. N. — D. Med. Sc., Professor, Head of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases, tel. +7-905-316-25-35, e-mail:
Oslopova Yu. V. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases, tel. +7-917-287-94-56, e-mail:
Bogoyavlenskaya O.V. — Cand. Med. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Diseases, tel. +7-917-883-35-00, e-mail:
S.S. Zimnitskiy is an outstanding Russian therapist who contributed a lot to the fame of Russian and Soviet medicine and who had international acclaim. Being a talented scientist and great practitioner, he left a bright heritage in different areas of internal diseases therapy. His most famous works are in the field of nephrology (well-known «Zimnitskiy’s test»). The article reveals talent and originality of the scientist’s approach in cardiology, contains description of Zimnitskiy’s cardiac pathology — his medical history written by himself, and explanation of the mystery of Zimnitskiy’s ECG.
Key words: S.S. Zimnitskiy, talent, diligence, fame, pride of Russian medicine, research in cardiology, cardiac disease, mystery of T-wave, scientist’s death.
1. Bogoyavlenskiy V.F. Professor Semen Semenovich Zimnitskiy — vrach, uchenyy, patriot [Professor Simon S. Zimnitskiy – doctor, scientist, patriot]. Kazan: Tatarskoe knizhnoe izdatel’stvo, 1970. 98 p.
2. Zimnitskiy S.S. Lyueticheskaya aortal’giya (grudnaya zhaba po R. Schmidt’u) i malyariya [Lyueticheskaya aortalgiya (angina pectoris by R. Schmidt’u) and malaria]. Khar’kov: Nauch. mysl’, 1925.
3. Gazizyanova V.M., Bulashova O.V., Khazova E.V. Serdechnaya nedostatochnost’ — ot predstavleniy S.S. Zimnitskogo do sovremennykh razrabotok kafedry propedevtiki vnutrennikh bolezney. Konferentsiya studentov, molodykh uchenykh i prepodavateley, posvyashchennaya 140-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Semena Semenovicha Zimnitskogo [Heart failure — from those of SS Zimnitsky to modern developments of the department of Internal Medicine propaedeutics. Conference of students, young scientists and teachers, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Semen Semenovich Zimnitsky]. Kazan, 2013. Pp. 114-122.
4. Afanas’eva T.Yu., Oslopov V.N. Issledovaniya S.S. Zimnitskogo v oblasti kardiologii i problema dolgogo QT EKG v XXI veke. Konferentsiya studentov, molodykh uchenykh i prepodavateley, posvyashchennaya 140-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Semena Semenovicha Zimnitskogo [Studies SS Zimnitsky in cardiology and the problem of long QT ECG in the XXI century. Conference of students, young scientists and teachers, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Semen Semenovich Zimnitsky]. Kazan, 2013. Pp. 94-105.
5. Nazarova M.D., Bombina L.K. Vklad S.S. Zimnitskogo v razlichnye napravleniya terapii: gastroenterologiyu, pul’monologiyu, nefrologiyu, kardiologiyu. Konferentsiya studentov, molodykh uchenykh i prepodavateley, posvyashchennaya 140-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Semena Semenovicha Zimnitskogo [Contribution SS Zimnitsky therapy to multiple destinations: gastroenterology, pulmonology, nephrology, and cardiology. Conference of students, young scientists and teachers, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Semen Semenovich Zimnitsky]. Kazan, 2013. Pp. 17-26.
6. Zimnitskiy S.S. Lektsii po serdechnym boleznyam, chitannye vracham v Kazanskom klinicheskom institute v 1921-1922 g. [Lectures on heart disease, read clinical doctors in Kazan Institute in 1921-1922]. Kazan: Kombinat izd-va i pechati TSSR, 1923.
7. Tsar’kova E.V., Oslopova Yu.V. Mertsatel’naya aritmiya — predstavleniya S.S. Zimnitskogo i vozmozhnosti XXI veka. Konferentsiya studentov, molodykh uchenykh i prepodavateley, posvyashchennaya 140-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Semena Semenovicha Zimnitskogo [Atrial fibrillation – S.S. submission Zimnitsky and opportunities of the XXI century. Conference of students, young scientists and teachers, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Semen Semenovich Zimnitsky]. Kazan, 2013. Pp. 106-114.
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13. Abdulganieva D.I., Oslopov V.N., Salikhov I.G. Speed NA +-LI + protivotran-sports and autonomic homeostasis in different variants of the flow of peptic ulcer. Byulleten’ VSNTs SO RAMN, 2010, no. 6 (76), part 1, pp. 9-13 (in Russ.).
14. Oslopov V.N., Talantov V.V., Khasanov E.N. The relationship of hypertension and diabetes from the standpoint of violations of ion transport across the cell membrane. Aktual’nye voprosy diabetologii. Nauchnye trudy, 3. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii Volgo-Vyatskogo regiona, 1994, pp. 22-27 (in Russ.).
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16. Bulashova O.V., Oslopov V.N. Serdechnaya nedostatochnost’ i tserebral’naya ishemiya — cherez prizmu Na+-Li+-protivotransporta [Heart failure and cerebral ischemia — through the prism of Na +-Li +-countertransport]. Kazan: MeDDok, 2013. 236 p.
17. Khazova E.V., Bulashova O.V., Oslopov V.N. Na+-Li+-protivotransport, geneticheskiy polimorfizm i serdechnaya nedostatochnost’ [Na +-Li +-countertransport, genetic polymorphism and heart failure]. Kazan: MeDDok, 2013. 117 p.
18. Oslopov V.N., Gur’yanov V.V. Osobennosti kliniki i terapii bol’nykh psoriazom s arterial’noy gipertoniey v zavisimosti ot skorosti Na+-Li+-protivotransporta v membrane eritrotsita. Nauchnaya konferentsiya, posvyashchennaya 35-letiyu Tsentral’noy nauchno-issledovatel’skoy laboratorii KGMU “Sovremennye metody issledovaniya v klinike i eksperimente” [Clinical features and treatment of psoriasis patients with arterial hypertension according to the speed Na +-Li +-countertransport erythrocyte membrane. Scientific conference dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Central Research Laboratory KSMU “Modern methods of research in clinical and experimental”]. Kazan, 1997, part II.
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20. Borisov D.V., Kuznetsova O.V., Fazylova Yu.V., Oslopov V.N. Issledovaniya S.S. Zimnitskogo Man’chzhurskogo tifa i sovremennye issledovaniya gepatitov s pozitsii funktsional’nogo sostoyaniya membrany kletki. Konferentsiya studentov, molodykh uchenykh i prepodavateley, posvyashchennaya 140-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Semena Semenovicha Zimnitskogo [Studies SS Zimnitsky Manchurian typhoid and hepatitis with current research position of the functional state of the cell membrane. Conference of students, young scientists and teachers, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of Semen Semenovich Zimnitsky]. Kazan, 2013. Pp. 133-140.
21. Bogoyavlenskiy V.F., Bogoyavlenskaya O.V., Oslopov V.N., Shcherbakov V.A. Professor Simon S. Zimnitskiy (to the 140th anniversary of his birth). Vestnik sovremennoy klinicheskoy meditsiny, 2014, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 65-68 (in Russ.).
22. Zimnitskiy S.S. Bolezni pochek: (Braytova bolezn’): Ruk-vo dlya vrachey i studentov [Kidney disease (Bright’s disease): Hand-in for doctors and students]. Kazan: Kombinat izd-va i pechati TSSR, 1924. 272 p.
23. Zimnitskiy S.S. Dal’neyshie nablyudeniya v voprose o znachenii sredy v patogeneze pepticheskikh yazv [Further observations on the question of the significance of the environment in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcers]. Khar’kov: Nauch. mysl’, 1926. 12 p.
24. Zimnitskiy S.S. Zabolevanie legochnoy parenkhimy i plevry (Ocherki po chastnoy patologii i terapii) [Disease of the lung parenchyma and pleura (Essays on special pathology and therapy)]. Kazan: Gos. izd. TSSR, 1922. 158 p.
25. Zimnitskiy S.S. K voprosu o klinicheskom issledovanii sekretornoy funktsii zheludka [On the clinical study of gastric secretory function]. Khar’kov, 1924. 7 p.
26. Zimnitskiy S.S. K voprosu o lechenii na Kavkazskikh kurortakh [On the question of the treatment on the Caucasian resorts]. Khar’kov: Nauch. mysl’, 1925. 9 p.
27. Zimnitskiy S.S. K metodike issledovaniya vliyaniya mineral’nykh vod na sekretornuyu funktsiyu zheludka [To investigate the influence of the method of mineral water on the secretory function of the stomach]. Moscow: Voen. tip. Gl. upr. RKKA, 1925. 9 p.
28. Zimnitskiy S.S. K patogenezu ulceris peptici duodeni pri zaderzhke zhelchi v organizme [To pathogenesis ulceris peptici duodeni at a delay of bile in the body]. Saint Petersburg: tip. M.M. Stasyulevicha, 1901. 19 p.
29. Zimnitskiy S.S. Lechenie Braytovoy bolezni [Treatment of Bright’s disease]. Moscow; Leningrad: Gos. Izd., 1926. 172 p.
30. Zimnitskiy S.S., Shestakov D.N. To study the procedure of the functional state of the cardiovascular system. Vrachebnaya gazeta, 1927, pp. 23-24 (in Russ.).
31. Zimnitskiy S.S. Lektsii po serdechnym i pochechnym boleznyam [Lectures on the cardiac and renal disease]. Vol. 2. Moscow, 1927, 157 p.