Assessment of the opinion of medical personnel about vaccination
1Kazan State Medical University, Kazan
2Republican Clinical Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, Kazan
Contact details:
Eremeeva Zh.G. — epidemiologist, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine
Address: 49 Butlerov St., Russian Federation, Kazan, 420012, tel.: +7 (843) 236-68-92, e-mail:
The purpose — is to assess the opinion of medical personnel about vaccination.
Material and methods. Microsoft Excel 2010 and Openapi online calculator were used to analyze the results of questioning medical personnel about the role and necessity of immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases.
Results. A positive attitude to vaccination was recorded in 80% (95% CI 66,7–93,3%) of respondents. The majority of medical personnel — 87% (95% CI 81,3–92,7%) heard negative feedback about vaccinations from the population. Medical personnel are more likely to choose free of charge vaccinations — 82% (95% CI 75,5–88,5%), based on their availability, reliability and a high level of control. The majority of respondents — 96% (95% CI 92,7–99,3%) noted a high level of education on immunization issues. However, doctors are statistically significantly more likely to consider vaccination a necessary preventive measure than nursing staff (criterion χ2 = 19,35; df = 1; p = 0,00001090). Regarding the vaccine against the new coronavirus infection COVID-19, the majority — 60 people (43,5%) (95% CI 35,2–51,8%) of medical professionals have not yet decided whether they will be vaccinated or not.
Conclusion. The study results demonstrated the proper level of immunization of medical personnel and their positive attitude to vaccination in general. However, frequent negative reviews of the population indicate the need for information work among the population about the purpose and importance of vaccination in the society.
Key words: questionnaire, vaccination, infections, medical personnel.
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