Alloplant technology as the innovational model of regenerative surgery
Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center of the Russian Federation Health Ministry, Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation
Contact details:
Muldashev E.R. – D. Sc. (medicine), Professor, President of the Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center
Address: 67/1 R. Sorge St., Ufa, Russian Federation, 450075, tel.: +7 (347) 224-68-01, e-mail:
The paper presents the history of Alloplant allografts produced at the laboratory for tissue conservation of the Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Center. The principles of transplantation in different spheres of surgery are detailed. It is shown that the Russian Alloplant technology fully meets the highest quality requirements of regenerative surgery. It is personalized in its biological basis and translational in performance. The article will be of interest to the surgeons of different branches of medicine who use the methods of allografts transplantation.
Key words: regenerative surgery, biomaterials, alloplant.
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