Abdominal tuberculosis. Clinical case
1Hospital for veterans of wars, Kazan
2Kazan State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kazan
Koreyba E.A. ― therapist ― gastroenterologist
Address: 5 Isaev Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420039, tel. +7-927-426-26-38, e-mail: elenakorejba@yandex.ru
Koreyba K.A. ― PhD (medicine), Associate Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases, honored doctor of the Republic of Tatarstan
Address: 49 Butlerov Str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420012, tel. +7-927-412-87-03, e-mail: korejba_k@mail.ru
Currently, tuberculosis remains a socially significant problem in modern medicine. Extrapulmonary form (for example, liver tuberculosis) is one of the most difficult to diagnose forms of this pathology. Mortality in the population of patients with liver tuberculosis against the background of an asymptomatic course is up to 40%. The article presents an example of a diagnostic search, supervision and combination treatment with a multidisciplinary approach as an example of a specific clinical case from the practice of a general practitioner ― gastroenterologist.
Key words: tuberculosis, liver, abdominal form.
(For citation: Koreyba E.A., Koreyba K.A. Abdominal tuberculosis. Clinical case. Practical medicine. 2019. Vol. 17, №8, P. 129-132)
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