A rare clinical case of acquired lenticonus
1Omsk State Medical University, 12 Lenin Str., Omsk, Russian Federation, 644099
2Omsk Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital named after V.P. Vykhodtsev, 60 Lermontov Str., Omsk, Russian Federation, 644070
Stepanova E.A. — PhD (medicine), Assistant of the Ophthalmology Department, e-mail: ekat_andr55@mail.ru
Vykhodtseva O.G. ― Head of the Surgery Department №1, e-mail: ekat_andr55@mail.ru
Kalgushkin I.V. ― Head of the Children’s Surgery Department, e-mail: ekat_andr55@mail.ru
Shestakova I.V. ― doctor of emergency room, e-mail: ekat_andr55@mail.ru
Khabarova K.V. ― doctor of consultative polyclinic, e-mail: ekat_andr55@mail.ru
The paper presents a clinical case of acquired lenticonus. Lenticonus is a rare disease, more common in childhood, but also sometimes in adult patients. It is most likely of traumatic origin and has a favorable prognosis after surgical treatment.
Key words: lenticonus, trauma, cataract phacoemulsification.
(For citation: Stepanova E.A., Vykhodtseva O.G., Kalgushkin I.V., Shestakova I.V., Khabarova K.V. A rare clinical case of acquired lenticonus. Practical Medicine. 2018)
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