Features of nasogastric intubation in neurological practice
1Samara City Hospital No. 4, Samara
2Samara State Medical University, Samara
Contact details:
Shteiner M.L. — MD, physician-endoscopist, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgery with the course of endoscopy
Address: 125 Michurin St., Samara, Russian Federation, 443056, tel.: +7 (846) 260-33-61, e-mail:gb4@mail.ru
We analyzed 235 nasogastric tube placements (100.00%) in neurological patients with dysphagia due to bulbar syndrome. In 212 cases (90.21%) the installation was successful. A new technique for installing a nasogastric tube is proposed. The essence of this approach lies in the forced advancement through the upper esophageal sphincter by maximizing probe stiffness. The reasons for the failed probe placement were deviated nasal septum, pronounced psychomotor agitation, Zenker’s diverticulum, and pronounced upper esophageal sphincter spasm. Difficulties with intubation that required endoscopic control happened in 15 cases (6.38%). The causes were asymptomatic tracheal intubation, partial paresis of the larynx, lipoma of the epiglottis. The term «difficult nasogastric intubation» was proposed.
Key words: nasogastric tube, rigid mandrin of a nasogastric tube, dysphagia, difficult nasogastric intubation, emergency neurological practice.
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